MoreMore Animal

Welcome to community,I wish you feel More More Animal.

You can equip/unequip your character accessories too, more character you have more accessories you can swap/equip When you buy the NFT There wll be serial numbers to unlock content for the games/my web page.

For the mini games project, I am using Unity to develop the games, and the game will have some features like More More Animal collection/trophy you might Love , costumes, shops and I wll improve the webpage features and I might create apps for more platforms like Steam or mobile users too. I have planned some events for you guys to enjoy with your too NFT.


Every 100th characters will be rare on 300th will be epic and on 500th will be legend ! ! ! !

Make MoremoreAnimal Land as a community mall for Collectors to meet. And there are many mini-games to play.

There will be more than 10 NFT animals per week for you to collect!and I aimed to make a collection of 1,000 or more of them.

1,000 different outfits and accessories.


Game Developer and art creator.

JEAM (ANI #000)
YamuJung assistant.
